Important Life Update

After a short hiatus, I’m back in the blogosphere with sad news: Our beloved dog Winnie passed away in February at age 15. We miss her dearly. But we have a new member of the family to cheer us up. Meet Dougal, the goofiest, wrinkliest, slobberiest Basset...

Ooh! A Shiny New Idea

Since I’m getting married in May (and wayyy behind on the wedding planning), I promised myself I wouldn’t take on any major writing projects until June. Meaning I wouldn’t tackle revisions on my novel-in-progress, Daphne and the Whale, in the first five months of the...

Life in the Query Trenches

For authors going the traditional publishing route, like I hope to, the first step to publication is writing and revising the book. The next step is getting a literary agent—someone to help you further polish your manuscript, submit it to publishers, and negotiate a...

New Year, New Goals

So long, 2017! I had a good year. After two and a half years of work, I finished my middle grade fantasy novel and started querying it. I wrote the first draft of my next novel during NaNoWriMo. I got a poem and a short story accepted to a children’s magazine, and got...

The Joy of Publication

I love getting mail, especially book mail—books I ordered from Amazon, literary mags I’m subscribed to, the occasional signed copy from one of my writer friends. Book mail is the best mail, because when you pull that magazine out of the mailbox or slide that book out...

Welcome to my blog!

Now that November (and the craziness of NaNoWriMo) is over, I’ve finally had time to finish setting up this website. I’m so excited to start blogging here! I spent November writing the first draft of my next middle grade book, Daphne and the Whale, a sort of magic...