How to Grow Your Writing Portfolio This Year

Now that I’m between drafts on my novel-in-progress, I’m working on some short fiction. Short fiction is fun. It lets you play around with different genres and styles, and it comes with the kind of instant gratification you just don’t get with novels. But ultimately,...

Life in the Query Trenches

For authors going the traditional publishing route, like I hope to, the first step to publication is writing and revising the book. The next step is getting a literary agent—someone to help you further polish your manuscript, submit it to publishers, and negotiate a...

5 Reasons to Break Up With a Book

As I wrote in this post, one of my goals this year is to read more. For one thing, reading is a surefire way to grow and improve as a writer. For another, reading is fun. I like it. I want to do more of it. However, I’m not ashamed to say that I don’t finish every...

The Poetry of Pandora: How Music Helped My Writing

I’m a creature of habit. When I figure out my favorite item at a restaurant, I get the same thing almost every time I go. I keep rewatching my favorite movies and TV shows and rarely try anything new (except Stranger Things, duh). I haven’t put new music on my ipod in...

New Year, New Goals

So long, 2017! I had a good year. After two and a half years of work, I finished my middle grade fantasy novel and started querying it. I wrote the first draft of my next novel during NaNoWriMo. I got a poem and a short story accepted to a children’s magazine, and got...