My Year in Books: Young Adult April

Since my wedding is rapidly approaching (May 13th–less than a month away!), my reading habits have rapidly declined over the past few weeks. I had big plans to dive into young adult literature this month, but I only ended up getting three books finished: Freaky...

5 Elements of a Great Setting

This month, I reread the upper middle grade novel Tangerine by Edward Bloor. I remembered loving it as a kid, but that was about all I remembered. So, I got to reread the story with completely fresh eyes. Tangerine turned out to be a well-written, thought-provoking...

Ooh! A Shiny New Idea

Since I’m getting married in May (and wayyy behind on the wedding planning), I promised myself I wouldn’t take on any major writing projects until June. Meaning I wouldn’t tackle revisions on my novel-in-progress, Daphne and the Whale, in the first five months of the...

My Year in Books: Mystery March

I love mysteries—at least, I used to. I devoured Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew as a kid, and as an adult I fell in love with Monk, Columbo, and the BBC Poirot series. But for a long time, I stopped reading mysteries. It’s like I forgot they existed. I recently wrote...

How to Perfect Those Pesky First Pages

I’ve recently been working on a couple of novel contest entries. Since most contests want only the first couple chapters, this is a great opportunity to further polish my opening pages. They were pretty strong before (if I do say so myself), but I’m amazed how much...