Self-Care for Writers

Writing may not be the most physically demanding job, but over time it can take a serious toll. Envisioning settings, brainstorming dialogue, and feeling our characters’ emotions are mentally exhausting—not to mention the wrist pain, eye strain, and screen-induced...

My Year in Books: Occult October

My reading goals suffered a bit this month because I’ve been hard at work on my YA fantasy novel. But with Halloween in the air, and my novel being about witches, I had a hankering for some spooky supernatural books. The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier (MG...

Outlining for Pantsers, Part 2

Last week, I discussed the value of outlining your story. Some “pantsers” turn their noses up at the outlining process, but don’t knock it till you try it—even experienced pantsers (I used to be one myself) can find it helpful. Here’s the outline I use, adapted from...

Outlining for Pantsers, Part 1

It’s mid-October, and you know what that means… Whether or not you’re participating in National Novel Writing Month (a.k.a. NaNoWriMo), now is a great time to talk about the bane of approximately 50% of writers: the dreaded outline. Self-proclaimed “pantsers” tend to...