My reading goals suffered a bit this month because I’ve been hard at work on my YA fantasy novel. But with Halloween in the air, and my novel being about witches, I had a hankering for some spooky supernatural books.

  • The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier (MG horror about a magical tree and its nocturnal caretaker)
  • Monstrous by MarcyKate Connolly (MG fairy tale about a girl who gets reanimated Frankenstein-style)
  • The Gates by John Connolly (humorous MG about a boy and his dachshund facing off with Satan)

As much as I love reading, I’m going to take a much-needed break next month to focus on my writing goals. I may also get around to cleaning the house for the first time in…well, let’s just say an embarrassingly long time. Then I’ll revisit my bookshelves for Dragon December!