by RDC | Dec 28, 2017 | writing life
For some of us, the start of a new year is a great opportunity to reflect and plan ahead for the next 365 days. But—let’s be real—for most of us, it’s a time to make promises we don’t really intend to keep. However, I’ve found that with a little extra effort, I can...
by RDC | Dec 23, 2017 | reading
I come from a family of book lovers. My parents are avid readers, and my dad has published a couple of books (textbooks on wetlands science…but still). My fiancé, Andrew, and I love walking to the library together and prowling local used bookstores—we have some...
by RDC | Dec 17, 2017 | Winnie
My dog Winnie is my biggest fan, my writing coach, my muse, and my footwarmer (during winter months). She’s such an integral part of my writing process, I really should start crediting her as co-author on everything I write. I mean, look at all the hard work she does!...
by RDC | Dec 13, 2017 | my updates
I love getting mail, especially book mail—books I ordered from Amazon, literary mags I’m subscribed to, the occasional signed copy from one of my writer friends. Book mail is the best mail, because when you pull that magazine out of the mailbox or slide that book out...
by RDC | Dec 10, 2017 | writing tips
This fall, I discovered the miracle of modern storytelling that is Stranger Things. (If you haven’t watched it, give it a try. Seriously.) I don’t know why, but I immediately became deeply invested in the show, attached to the characters, and immersed in the world. I...