One Toothless Dog
Splendor: an Anthology of Love, fall 2025

My first published romance story–written in 72 hours as part of last year’s NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge–will appear in this anthology produced by the Colorado-based Writing Heights organization.

The Secret Language of Touch
Uncharted, January 2025

This dark sci-fi story made runner-up in Uncharted’s Refractions Genre Flash Fiction Prize. You can read it free here.

Beyond Carbon
Without Brakes: Fingers Crossed, fall 2024

Carbon capture meets ghosts in this speculative story, published in Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ 2024 anthology.

In the Wraithwood
Uncharted, August 2023

My YA flash fiction piece (written in three days based on the prompt “fashion”) won third place in Voyage’s Lucky 7 contest! You can read it for free at Uncharted (Voyage’s new home).

Storm Squad
Brave New Girls, July 2023

My sci-fi story about girls who fight hurricanes is out now in this STEM-inspired anthology! Get a copy here.

Every Last Star
Ember, February 2023

This magic realism story was inspired by the deserts of Colorado and Utah. You can read it for free here.

The Source of the Spark

This sci-fi story won a Silver Honorable Mention in the Writers of the Future contest, Q2 2022. You can see the full list of winners, finalists, and honorable mentions here.

Fire Season
The Selkie’s Daughter

Two of my stories received honorable mentions in the children’s & YA category of the Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition.

We Are Celia
Bizarre Bazaar, 2022

RMFW’s latest anthology includes my speculative story about a woman who, like the succulent plant she’s tending, accidentally propagates herself.

Andromeda’s New Brain
Cricket, August & September 2022

In this two-part MG sci-fi story, a girl must learn to navigate the social rollercoaster of middle school with a robotic brain–while solving the mystery of her parents’ death.

Rapunzel Dreams of Elephants
Metaphorosis, August 2021

This feminist fairytale retelling was one of my first short stories. It took years of submitting and revising to find its perfect home at Metaphorosis, where it also appeared in the year’s best anthology.

Sisters and Other Life-Forms
Cricket, January & February 2021

In this sci-fi thriller (honor winner of the SCBWI Magazine Merit award), young pilot Max crash-lands on an uncharted moon and must repair her spacecraft and fly home before her wounded sister’s cryotube thaws.

The Flying Tortoise
Spider, September 2020

This Nigerian folktale retelling appeared in Spider, a literary magazine for ages 7 to 9.

Black Crocodile
Luna Station Quarterly, March 2020

This YA story set in a small Thai village appeared in issue 041 of LSQ, a magazine of speculative fiction by women-identified writers. You can read the story for free here, and you can read my interview with LSQ here.

Yara and the Witch Queen
Cricket, October 2019

This fairy tale is about an unlikely friendship between a princess and a witch in an African-inspired kingdom where magic is outlawed.

Sisters and Other Life-Forms
Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide, Volume 5

My story about a young pilot, her talking spaceship, and her cryosleeping sister appears in this middle grade science fiction anthology, released in 2018 from Dreaming Robot Press.

Every Drop of Light
Cast of Wonders, June 2018

This speculative YA story was brought to life by narrator Mary Murphy in Episode 308 of the YA fiction podcast Cast of Wonders. You can read or listen to it for free here.

Peacock on Parade
Cricket, May 2018

My children’s poem about the peacock’s grace and beauty appeared in this issue of Cricket.

The Fish Who Shook the Earth
Cricket, November 2017

This story is a retelling of a Japanese folktale about a giant catfish who causes earthquakes. I studied Japanese in high school and college, so this tale has a special place in my heart.

Cricket, November 2016

I wrote this poem in college, inspired by my pet hamsters. Little did I know then that it would be the first thing I ever got accepted to a literary magazine (though not the first to be published) and the start of my professional writing career.

The Legend of the Giant’s Causeway
Cricket, September 2016

This issue includes my retelling of the Irish folktale about Finn MacCool, which I first heard while studying abroad in Ireland.

Every Drop of Light
FOUND, 2016

My YA story about a girl who can raise the dead appears in this anthology, which won a Colorado Book Award! I made some great friends through this project, one of whom co-edited RMFW’s 2020 anthology, WILD, with me.